Join David Zid & Jackie Russell
for an active demonstration of their secrets
to helping people overcome & conquer symptoms
associated with Parkinson's disease.
Earn 9.25 Continuing Education Credits (CEU's) by reviewing current research, completing two 60 min self-paced presentations, and the Zoom presentation, with David Zid and Jackie Russell.
Entire course $295
(sales tax may apply based on location)
Special rates available for groups of 5 or more participants.
Course includes
FREE ACCESS (a $600 Value)
to On-Demand Classes & to Total HealthWorks Workouts upon completion of the Total Parkinson's course
Approved Continuing Education
Ohio PT 9.25 CEU's (expires 10/2/24)
ACE: .5+.2
.7 total (expires 12/31/24)
***zip drive available for individual discipline application
Your Instructor: David Zid
David Zid, a graduate of The Ohio State University has been a professional fitness instructor in Columbus, Ohio since 1997, and is owner of a personal training facility, David Zid Total HealthWorks. He is an energetic coach for hundreds of clients and personal trainers, and developed a special interest in the older adult client. With his colleagues Jackie Russell and Bennett Gatto, he has created a virtual neurofitness platform targeting Alzheimer’s, M.S., Parkinson’s and the Aging Brain - Total HealthWorks. Additionally he was co-founder of OhioHealth Delay the Disease™– an evidenced-based Parkinson’s Wellness program. Zid and Russell have grown their Parkinson’s-specific exercise classes internationally. He has been a keynote speaker and educator at symposia, professional education courses, and is the author of 2 books and companion DVD’s based on this program. He believes in the dramatic positive impact of exercise on the course of Parkinson’s and other neuro degenerative diseases.
Course Curriculum
- Read and Review the following 4 Research Articles
- Total Parkinson's Course Curriculum
- Total Parkinson's: Dr. Bennett Gatto's PowerPoint
- Total Parkinson's: Dr. Bennett Gatto's 1 hour Presentation
- Total Parkinson's: Jackie Russell PowerPoint & Handouts
- Total Parkinson's: Jackie Russell 1 hour Presentation
- Total Parkinson's Continuing Education Course: Jackie Russell and David Zid Live Webinar (recorded version) (324:20)
- Course Evaluation
- Thank you for completing the Total Parkinson's Course; Certificate of Attendance
- REQUIRED TO COMPLETE: Click on link to complete Parkinson’s Foundation Accredited Continuing Education Course Survey
- Post Course Exam for Continuing Education: CEU/CE credits
- Certified Total Parkinson’s Instructor with Total HealthWorks
- Access to Total HealthWorks On-Demand
Want to Start a Total Parkinson's Group Exercise Class?
as a Total Parkinson's Instructor
you will receive On-Demand Classes & FREE ACCESS to Total HealthWorksWorkouts (a $600 Value)
Become a Total Parkinson's Certified Instructor:
- Complete the Total Parkinson's CE course
- Pass written CE course test
- Complete CE course evaluation
- Confirm medical professional license
- Demonstrate group instructor ability
If you are also certified as an OH Delay the Disease instructor you do not need to recertify or send in new video of group instructor demonstration.